random scribbles

scribbles so raw, so unprocessed, so uncensored. so lovely.

Friday, April 07, 2006


usually, i'll be jumping around from pc to pc in the office with my thumbdrive in hand, using whichever is available to do my catalogue stuff. i raised my concerns to the b-o-double-s and he quickly handed one of the brand new asus laptops to me. these laptops come with a nifty in-built webcam.

i managed to get a decent shot of myself. i look professional, don't i? and if you're wondering if i'm really talking on my mobile, the answer is yes. typing, fiddling with webcam and chatting on mobile with ease. i can multi-task. reads like an impressive resume.

sales manager chris told me he got good deals for the notebooks, "you can even play games on it! office work? no problem." i might consider getting an asus notebook before i go overseas so i don't have to buy a separate webcam. the reasonable pricing is a plus.


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