random scribbles

scribbles so raw, so unprocessed, so uncensored. so lovely.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

rant no. 3

parkway parade: a newly-renovated, supposedly more trendy shopping centre. an extension on the second floor houses topman, dorothy perkins and espirit. today, they even had a mini fashion show. the models were nothing to shout about, but it's great effort from a suburban mall to take the spirit of the singapore fashion week to the heartland.

this was only the second time that i've been to the spanking-new extension and as fate had it, i had to go to the bathroom halfway through the fashion show. i looked around for toilet signs and spotted one. only there wasn't a male figure on it. holding up the pee in my bladder like a dam that is about to explode during flood season, i walked down the corridor curiously. there i found the ladies' and a washroom for the handicapped. only. the male loo was nowhere in sight. i'm no Male Chauvinist Pig. in fact, i'm far from one. but it's fucking ridiculous. bullshit. utterly disgusted, i used my superhuman strength to hold the dam back and look for another outlet to relieve myself. i just can't believe the lack of common sense on the part of the parkway landlords. they must have thought women and the handicapped can't control their urinal urges as well as men. what idiots.

singapore's transport system is advanced. it's something that the government is proud of. however, i must gripe about the buses. i've been wanting to do this for quite awhile, but didn't have the proper means to do it. well, now i do.

it's not that the buses are filthy. they're clean. stenches, though, do emanate from corners sometimes. and it's not due to the odd bangla. but that's not where my frustration is directed at. it's the bloody bus times. ever since the overly-glorified opening of the north-east MRT line, buses have been neglected. bus companies reduced the number of bus services available to force residents to go underground. whatever bus services that are left come and go at irregular intervals. the times are just about as volatile as an insane iraqi fending off american 'invaders'. today i spent twenty minutes waiting for the wretched service 966 for a twenty-minute ride home. for every minute that i wasted, i had a minute on the bus. it's not supposed to work that way. shit! those precious twenty minutes could have been spent on more worthwhile activities.

maybe i've been spoilt by the 'almost-flawless' transport system all my life that these minor glitches just piss me off so badly. still, i can assure you, the buses is singapore are are nothing to be proud of. and i bet i'm not alone. many other singaporeans share the same sentiments. i know i speak for the others. this rant is not wasted. i have spoken up for the population.


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