random scribbles

scribbles so raw, so unprocessed, so uncensored. so lovely.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

caution! man at work

if you've been reading my blog (and i know you've been, all you loyal fans out there), you would have realised my last few posts have suffered a dearth of pictures. i try my best not to let my blog degenerate into a wordy one, because i can't stand so-super-wordy-and-ultra-long-that-you-can't-finish-reading-one-without-running-outta-breath blogs. they BORE me. yawn.

i've a few pics below to showcase the work that i do. yes, i do work. the slacking's occasional. right now, i've been assigned by the boss to compile a catalogue of equipment for rent. i take pictures and fill in the specifications. it sounds easy, but i kid you not. a lot of the heavy equipment is kept together and cluttered up, so i'll have to shift and clean them to get good shots (it's a catalogue, duh). and i know next to nuts about most of the equipment. all the information has to be gathered somehow.

containerized decompression chamber. i learnt how to open the doors of a container. nothing too special about it, but i don't think many people know how to.

it's terribly claustrophobic inside a decompression chamber, much worse than the hall rooms at NUS. and you probably wouldn't wanna 'get it on' inside, unlike at NUS. XD

a high-pressure diving compressor

CCTV console and comms box

diving helmets. they're pretty heavy. imagine one of those over your head while underwater. i think i'd still drown even with the breathing aids.


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