random scribbles

scribbles so raw, so unprocessed, so uncensored. so lovely.

Monday, June 04, 2007

epic movie

it's friggin hilarious, but you gotta watch the originals to understand it. not that the jokes were too smart either. with jayma mays playing the dumb blonde (except that she's raven-haired), you don't expect anything too scholarly over. but i totally enjoyed it. i needed some lame laughs today.

first up for the spoofs was the da vinci code.

then appeared a conspicuously afro-american albino version of silas.

the da vinci code was easy to crack.

superheroes weren't spared. superman got a makeover.

and magneto got a new helmet with a giant U-shaped magnet for effect.

a large part of the storyline was ripped from narnia. in this case, it's gnarnia, for copyright purposes. XD


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