random scribbles

scribbles so raw, so unprocessed, so uncensored. so lovely.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

tammy, tammy, very contrary

so i read in the sunday times that her dvd's are on sale in malaysia. those pirates, those vultures deserve to burn in hell! tammy, you did the right thing by reporting to the police.

now it's time to swing into action by getting a copyright. defend your intellectual property! contact the World Wide Red Light District company (of 'one night in paris' fame. they have a good reputation, it seems.) to package, promote and distribute it. you have a cash cow over here; make it work for you. it's time you become singapore's paris hilton. we need one. i'm sure the STB won't mind. you can be the leader of the 'uniquely singapore, uniquely gorgeous' girls. good luck.


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