random scribbles

scribbles so raw, so unprocessed, so uncensored. so lovely.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

the night cycling excuse of a pigging-out night

it began with dinner at bedok and continued throughout the night. where ever we reached, we pigged out. we ate our hearts out. we conquered.

the first break was outside changi airport. we looked like terrorists on bicycles, all the bombs ticking away in our backpacks. except terrorists aren't much camera whores and definitely don't snap away with expensive digicams. they're more adept at shooting with AK-47s.

the seventh lunar month gives everybody the creeps. here's the first of a few sightings we had. notice the mysterious pair of fingers popping from behind frankie's head. gasp!

well if we really were terrorists, we didn't seem to have a plan.

next stop, changi village. or to be more precise, changi village nasi lemak.
ooh la la.

hell yeah!

the cat with the most blase attitude. she can topple mariah carey from her diva perch with ease.

a mini HCI reunion gathering ensued when some familiar HCI-affiliated faces made their entrance. god knows where they popped out of. the seventh month acting on our tired vision again?

it was all in the heat of the moment. trust me, i'm never this enthusiastic about TPJC.

the two weis putting their most shagged-out faces forward.

EXPO was never this exciting and fun. not even if they hold the sexpo there again.

a stroke of misfortune struck! my ankle, argh! new movie title a la crouching tiger, hidden dragon: fucking pothole, bloody ankle.
ouch ouch ouch. dammit!

whoever recorded this video did a great job. oh wait, who exactly did this? another strange encounter? was someone watching me all along? =O

i don't know who suggested the simpang bedok prata, but it was not bad. gosh, i've never had two suppers in my entire life!

the double ice pack came to my ankle's aid. ooh, chill.

the bridge beside the national indoor stadium is beautiful at night. and that was where our next ghostly sighting occurred.
darren and ziyang couldn't believe their eyes. was lawrence really there? or was he just another figment of our imagination? or was it actually a spiritual replica of him? yikes.

one of those act-cool pics.

weihao rolled down the steps of city hall and he escaped unscathed. humpty dumpty would be proud.

even though he was unhurt, he just lay there like a sitting duck. and like all sitting ducks, he asked for it!

the ONLY pancake ever to happen in front of city hall in its entire history.

act-cool poses aplenty.

the night sky at city hall was eerie.

back at east coast mac's, we were home and dry. and not forgetting to mention taking our morning craps.

this photo looks like one of those classic hongkong film posters.
the three feuding brothers:
- lik sin: the poor envious youngest one decked out only in his favourite worn-out singlet.
- hao xiang: the rich, contented and over-confident eldest son.
- frankie: the one in the middle who hasn't a clue about what's happening but is obviously taking it all very seriously.

the cam whores were caught in action! they were really in their own world. XD

thanks people, it was an excellent trip! although the ankle part was not so excellent. but yeah, i'd do it all over again!

all the fun here!


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